Getting Started With MySLP

Login to your SLP /SaaS Account shown in our home page tab

Add A Location

The initial login should bring you to the main menu  for your  SLP SaaS page.

If you are not importing or transferring data from another plug-in , go to the Store Locator Plus  Locations or Locations Details to add your first entry.

( Note: you need Professional Plan or higher. to   import locations)


Deploying MySLP :WIX

Adding a Store Locator Plus location finder to your Wix site is easy thanks to their HTML Code embed widget.    Follow these steps to get started.

Create A MySLP Account

Sign up for one of the several MySLP account options available.



  • 125 Locations
  • 1,000 Map Views
  • Extra map views billed at $2/200 views
  • Basic locator styling



  • 5,000 Locations
  • 5,000 Map Views
  • Extra map views billed at $5/1000 views
  • Unlimited Categories
  • GPS Location Sensor
  • CSV import and export
  • Full control over search form and results layout
  • Map color scheme and element styling
  • Feature locations
  • Directory listings



  • 15,000 Locations
  • 8,000 Map Views
  • Extra map views billed at $5/1000 views
  • Unlimited Categories
  • GPS Location Sensor
  • CSV import and export
  • Full control over search form and results layout
  • Map color scheme and element styling
  • Feature locations
  • Directory listings
  • Scheduled CSV Imports
  • Advanced Reporting
  • Territories
  • Cluster Map Markers

Selected PlanEmailPasswordGoodFirst NameLast NameGET PROFESSIONAL FOR $35

Add Some Locations

Log in to your MySLP account and add some locations or use the import feature (for Power or higher level accounts) to add dozens of locations at one time.

Generate Your Embed Code

After you have loaded your locations, click Generate Embed on the top right of the page.

Click “Copy To Clipboard” button once the Generate Embed page is up.

Create Your Wix Site

Go through the process of getting your Wix site started.   They have free accounts and advanced premium accounts available.

Add A Location Page

Go to the top menu bar when you are in edit mode on your Wix site.       Select the “Add Page” menu option and give it a simple name like “Locations”.

Add An Embed Block

After the page is added go the left sidebar in Wix and click on the Plus symbol to add a content block.

Look for the More entry on the bottom of the list and click it.

Choose the HTML Code option on the top of the slide-out panel that appears.

Drag the box and drop it on your page.

Add The MySLP Code

Click on the “Edit Code” button that appears above the HTML Code box.

Select “Code” from the Wix radio buttons listed.

Paste the entire contents of the MySLP Embed Code box you copied earlier from your MySLP login.

Click the Wix “Update” button.

Within a few seconds you should see the MySLP map and locations interface appear in the box.

Resize the box by grabbing the “handles” and dragging it to the edges of your Wix content area.   Make it tall enough to show the search form, map, and results below the map.


On the top right of the page click Publish.


When you publish the site you will have a new locations page with your MySLP map.  It will be a URL like our example.

Wix Directory Styling for MySLP

The directory listing option for MySLP makes it easy to provide a list of states in which your locations reside. The directory listing can be easily added to any Wix site by using the directory style presentation when embedding the MySLP code.

The Wix embed code presentation leaves a bit to be desired when it comes to formatting. When you drop an embed block into a Wix page it will often add far too little padding, is not centered, and does not default to a big enough height to display a list of locations.

Getting Started With The Embed Format

When using Wix we find it easier to format the MySLP embed code by using the advanced editor.

Start by adding an Embed , HTML block into the page. Wix will drop this in a random semi-centered location on the page. Drag it down to an available space on the page.

Embedding an HTML object into a Wix site.

It is best to set the embed block to be 100% the width of the content. The gutters should be marked with a dashed line to show the left/right main content width. Stay between the gutters.

Set a default height tall enough to show the listing. An embed box height of 800 is a good start.

Relocate the embed HTML box to the white space of the page. You may need to add the white space to your Wix page by tweaking the height position (Y) of the elements on your page.

Click on the embed box and look for Enter Code on the top-left corner of the box.

Enter the MySLP SaaS embed code, make sure you add <style> section and include a data-presentation=”directory” attribute on the embed script to get the directory listing in place of a map of locations.

Enter the embed code and related <style>..</style> section as noted below.

Example Embedded MySLP Directory Code

The following embed code can be added to ensure CSS styling is included along with the JavaScript-based directory functionality of MySLP.

.slp_directory_list.slp_directory_style_list {
    display: flex;
	  flex-wrap: wrap;
    justify-content: space-between;
.slp_directory_entry {
    padding: 0 5px;

If all went well you can publish the site and should see an interactive states directory listing similar to this:

WordPress Custom CSS Rules

You can add custom CSS rules to WordPress to style your directories and location maps without having to wait for a custom Store Locator Plus® style or a theme that supports full CSS rules. WordPress has a built-in CSS customization tool that applies to all pages on the site.

You can use this custom CSS tool to do things like format the MySLP SaaS, or WPSLP plugin, directory listings.

How To Add Custom Rules

Login to your site as a site administrator.

Click on the Customize menu entry in the admin toolbar.

Click on Additional CSS in the sidebar.

Enter a fully qualified CSS rule.

This example is used to style the MySLP SaaS directory listings on the site. MySLP is a pure JavaScript embed implementation and requires the site hosting the embed to add extra CSS rules. The output changes the MySLP Directory state selector from a vertical list to a horizontal list as shown on the MySLP Directory page.

MySLP SaaS: Deploying On WordPress

These instructions are for MySLP SaaS users only.  

MySLP is a monthly subscription service that allows you to deploy a locator map on ANY platform including WordPress.   It is a managed service where we handle the hosting of the locations, settings, and map software as well as handle the Google API key.   We keep the software updated so you don’t have to worry about it.

These instructions DO NOT APPLY to the stand alone, self managed WordPress plugin(s).

For our buy-it-and-own-it solution you will want to look at the WPSLP plugins instead of this page.

If you are NOT using My Store Locator Plus® you should think about it.

If you are using MySLP, read on…

You’ve already added your locations and generated your embed code per the instructions in our Getting Started post.  Now you are ready to deploy on your WordPress site.

Here we are going to deploy the script in a new page on our site.

MySLP : Deploying With Basic HTML

My Store Locator Plus can be deployed on any website technology that can publish basic HTML pages.   The functionality of the service depends more on the browser technology used by your site visitors than your web stack.

The most basic deployment is a local HTML file that is opened by your web browser.   Your desktop or laptop and even some mobile devices will allow you to create a basic HTML file on your device.   You can then open this file using that device’s web browser.

Deploying A SquareSpace Map

Deploying a SquareSpace map is a simple process that uses the SquareSpace embed block and a simple My Store Locator Plus (our SLP SaaS solution) JavaScript snippet.

Setting up a SLP  SaaS account, adding locations, setting up a SquareSpace account, adding the map, and deploying a site can take as little as 15 minutes.

Squarespace map.
Using Store Locator Plus to deploy a SquareSpace map.