The Store Locator Plus default is to show the order of the  results below your map by distance, i.e. closest to the searched address  listed first.   With the Experience Add-on or the Premier Add-on the  “order by” options  allows you to display the results in a different order.  With the Experience add-on (if you are using WordPress SLP) or the Professional Plan (if you are using the MySLP Subscription) the results order by options  are  under your Settings/Results/Panel

  • Closest list the closest to the search address or center of the map (this is the default)
  • A..Z- alphabetical sort of locations.alphabetical sort of locations
  • Random- random order of locations, changes on each search
  • Featured, Rank, Closest
  • Featured, Rank, A..Z
  • Featured, Closest
  • Featured, A..Z
  • Rank, A..Z
  • Rank, Closest

    Experience add-on allows you to change the order of the results






With the Experience or Premier Add-on you also have  the ability to determine if you wish to  display Featured Locations by choosing from the Drop Down box –   check if the featured location should “always be shown or “only if in radius”