Translating Store Locator Plus ADD-ONs

Store Locator Plus uses the built-in WordPress internationalization and localization tools to translate the interface text into various languages.  Store Locator Plus plug-in is part of the WordPress Translate project.  You can contribute translations for the base plugin at the Store Locator Plus directory at WordPress Translate.

If you do not see the base plugin in your language, check the SLP Translate report for the latest Stable Release and make sure your language is at 100%.  The Translate system will not create a language export for partial translations.  If you want to help with the translation, send a request to be added to the WordPress PolyGlots project.

Learn About Translate.WordPress.Org.

Geocoding stopped working suddenly

(This page has been updated to reflect the changes in Google Cloud Platform API changes)

Most likely reasons;

  • You moved your site or changed the domain name and did not change your Google Map API key or , as of JUNE 2018 Google API changes, did NOT ADD BILLING TO YOUR API KEY . See Getting Started
  • Check your Google Platform Usage reports
  • A self-imposed usage cap has been exceeded.
  • The provided method of payment is no longer valid (for example, a credit card has expired).
  • You have exceeded the QPS limits for a given API.
  • If you have the Power add-on and are using the import function , your csv file is incorrect, or your header rows are not accurate,  or they have wrong field names, the columns may be misaligned and the data field for an address could not import and/or does not geocode. Check your import message log.
  • Google does not recognize an address. See FAQ post

How to validate Premier with Multi-site Installations

Enroll in a Premier Subscription

Premier Subscription Licenses must be validated on the primary site of a multi-site install. This is typically the FIRST site in your site list, but can be changed via wp-config. If you are using multi site you should know which site is the primary Blog ID. Adding your Premier id and your license on your sub sites will not validate the WPSLP Premier license. (This information only applies to WordPress SLP and not MYSLP.

Communication with the SLP license server is required for any licenses to be validated. You can check if standard web requests are working between your WordPress install and SLP. This can be tested from within your PHP environment with a simple PHP script that uses a ‘curl’ or ‘file get contents ‘operation.

You can also click on the Store Locator Plus / info tab in the back end of the plug-in. If you are seeing “Latest News” with fairly current dates then the problem is most likely not a blocked communications via a firewall. In those cases the issue is most likely an incorrectly typed subscription ID or you have entered the info on the wrong site of a multi-site install.

Custom CSS

MYSLP subscriber  with the Professional level or Enterprise level plan  , allows you to customize the style sheets ( CSS ) for Store Locator Plus  map, results, and search layouts.   There are additional styles also available with  the higher level plans making it less likely that you will need to use custom styling sheets.  If you are adding CSS to the SLP.  The CSS field  is under Settings/View under the various locator styles.

If you are an Enterprise level subscriber and need a style to work with your general theme, you may wish to contact us.  Any CSS updates entered  will be retained in future updates .

For WordPress SLP plugin users, The Experience Add On  is available to purchase for the self managed WordPress SLP plugin , the CSS is stored in the WordPress options table.

Load Locations from WordPress Locator to MYSLP®

Load locations does not replace the  csv file import functionality available to the MySLP Professional or Enterprise level plan subscribers but it  can be used to  load  basic location data from your WordPress Store Locator Plugin (such as WP Store Locator Plus®,) into your SLP SaaS account.  (The basic load will not load category tables. You would need to use  import  csv file for that.)

This functionality can be found from the MYSLP account, the SLP sidebar tab and under Locations as shown in the screenshot below.

The  loader supports loading locations from WordPress sites running the WordPress Store Locator Plus plugin.

If you are using a locator or directory plugin other than Store Locator Plus, please contact us to discuss the possibility of beta testing if it does not load.

Map Controls

More map controls

Our MYSLP Enterprise level users or WPSLP Premier subscribers will find several additional map controls to enable or disable built-in Google Map elements.  A simple checkbox  allows users to turn the Full Screen and zoom controls on or off in addition to the previously-available  Hide “Stick Man” , scale, and type controls.

This option is also available to WordPress plugin users with an active Premier subscription.

CSV Import Duplicates Handling

The WPSLP Power Add On  or MySLP/Professional plan   allows you to import CSV files with several options.    View the information under SLP/Locations/Import .  You have various  options to consider when determining how to update  locations  that match your pre-existing locations.

Options available on how to handle duplicates:  Choose to Add, Skip, and /or Update.

How Store Pages Templates and [slp_pages] Work

Available In: WordPress Store Locator Plus™ with the Power add on.
Not yet available  SLP  Managed Store Locator Plus™ (MySLP) service.

Showing A List Of Pages — Full Content

[slp_pages style=”full” no_map=”1″ pages_directory_entry_css_class=”slp_page location_details col-xs-12″]
Because there is not template specified it will display the “full” (entire/complete) SEO page.    Login to the WP site and go to Store Pages as admin, click on any page.  What you see there is what you’ll get on the page list output.
That means when we add descriptions to SEO pages (either manually editing the SEO page OR with some new description magic in development today) the ENTIRE page will show up.

Enable Pages Setting WordPress SLP Power add-on

Included in WPSLP Power only   (This feature is currently NOT available with MYSLP  fully managed software as a service)

Find it under Store Locator Plus | General |APP

Enable Pages turns on the Store Pages (“Pages” or “SEO Pages”) functionality of Store Locator Plus.     Once enabled a new Pages tab will appear under Store Locator Plus Admin Panel menu and the Store Locator Plus | Locations | List will have new entries under bulk actions.