You can easily create lists of the cities, states, or countries where you have locations by using the slp_directory shortcode provided by the Power add-on. Premier Subscription members can install the Premier Plugin to further extend the functionality of the slp_directory shortcode.
List Of States
Creating a list of states where you have locations is as easy as putting the slp_directory shortcode on a page with the by=”state” attribute set. This only produces a list of the states where you have locations with no interaction.
You can find our locations in the following states: [slp_directory by="state"]

List Of States With Count
You can add a list of states and show the count of locations in each state by adding the style=”list_with_count” attribute.
You can find our locations in the following states: [slp_directory by="state" style="list_with_count"]

List Of States Linking To Results Map
The easiest option for adding interaction to the list is to link to your main Store Locator Plus locator page; the page with your [slplus] shortcode on it. You add this link by specifying a landing page with the landing_page attribute.
You can find our locations in the following states: [slp_directory by="state" style="list_with_count" landing_page="/locations/"]

When users click the state it will go to the main locator page and show only those locations within the specified state.

List Of States Addressing Blank Entries
The Premier Plugin further extends the attributes adding a text_if_blank option. The text_if_blank option allows you to define text that will be used for those locations that do not have a state set.
[slp_directory by="state" style="list_with_count" landing_page="/directory/" text_if_blank="None"]

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