WordPress Custom CSS Rules

You can add custom CSS rules to WordPress to style your directories and location maps without having to wait for a custom Store Locator Plus® style or a theme that supports full CSS rules. WordPress has a built-in CSS customization tool that applies to all pages on the site.

You can use this custom CSS tool to do things like format the MySLP SaaS, or WPSLP plugin, directory listings.

How To Add Custom Rules

Login to your site as a site administrator.

Click on the Customize menu entry in the admin toolbar.

Click on Additional CSS in the sidebar.

Enter a fully qualified CSS rule.

This example is used to style the MySLP SaaS directory listings on the site. MySLP is a pure JavaScript embed implementation and requires the site hosting the embed to add extra CSS rules. The output changes the MySLP Directory state selector from a vertical list to a horizontal list as shown on the MySLP Directory page.

Highlighting Locations Served By Territory

Premier 4.5 Territory Results Highlight Example

Version 4.5 of the Premier Add On for Store Locator Plus introduces territories to locations.

Once a location is setup with a territory the map markers that are sent back from the server during a user search will include a ‘in_territory’ property set to ‘1’ if the user’s location is within the territory and ‘0’ if not.   An additional ‘in_territory_class’ property will also be set to either ‘in_territory’ or a blank string.   Both settings are part of the ‘data’ property of the location marker.