Locations Panel: Manage Locations

The Locations panel in Store Locator Plus is where you add, manage, edit and/or delete locations.

Bulk Actions and Filters

SLP Locations panel has a bulk  tab with drop down actions and  other filters that can be applied .   If you have a large number of locations, bulk actions can be a very useful tool. If you have more locations than can fit on the display, you can set the display filter to show more locations. You may also use filters to display and manage non – geocoded locations, or show locations with certain properties. The display can be adjusted to suit your needs but configuration constraints and/or server constraints may effect your outcome.

Not all Bulk actions will appear if you have only the base plugin installed.  Bulk action filters for removing Tags, performing Exports, geocoding all uncoded, and bulk categorize certain locations will  be shown only if you have  the WPSLP Power add-on or  Professional or Enterprise  level Plans for MySLP

The default number of locations that will be displayed on the admin user Interface is 10. Selecting a large number to display can be useful to view or manage but if your server capacity cannot handle it or changes and you go back to manage locations months or years later and try to access your locations panel, you may see no locations panel. If you see the wheels churning on your computer with no results this could be the reason. If you are not sure of the capabilities of your server, browser and various other factors that effect memory, and inhibit loading and displaying fields, err on the side of caution and set the Filter Display locations back to a manageable size before leaving the panel. If you are migrating servers from a “heavy duty” server to a less robust server, or if your memory becomes an issue you will need to reset the display to a manageable number.  See Troubleshooting for more info.

Map Settings for Store Locator Plus®

Under the menu for SLP / Settings /Map  :

The settings contained in the map panel will change the functionality of the map domain, center map, zoom and appearance.

The following settings are available to manage functionality for both WPSLP stand alone plug-in and MySLP SaaS managed service..

At Startup

  • Center Map:   This is where you enter an address, or a state, or a location or  a specific latitude and longitude to be displayed as the initial focus for the Map.   If nothing is entered in this box , the default will be the center of the United States .   Google map has determined the center of  United States to  be somewhere in Kansas.  Example:  See Google Localizing the Map:  The geocodes “Toledo” based on the default region (US) to “Toledo, Ohio”  or  one which biases results based on a region set to ES (Spain) to “Toledo, Spain.
  • Center Latitude Fallback: Center Longitude Fallback:  These are the latitude/longitude settings  that will be called if the Google server is “busy” or offline and not able to geocode or “call” to load your locations.  If you reset to blank it will fill in with the Center latitude/longitude of the map domain you have chosen.    You can have a different Lat/long fallback  then your map domain or center map if you  choose.    An image of your fallback will  be displayed

Deploying MySLP :WIX

Adding a Store Locator Plus location finder to your Wix site is easy thanks to their HTML Code embed widget.    Follow these steps to get started.

Create A MySLP Account

Sign up for one of the several MySLP account options available.



  • 125 Locations
  • 1,000 Map Views
  • Extra map views billed at $2/200 views
  • Basic locator styling



  • 5,000 Locations
  • 5,000 Map Views
  • Extra map views billed at $5/1000 views
  • Unlimited Categories
  • GPS Location Sensor
  • CSV import and export
  • Full control over search form and results layout
  • Map color scheme and element styling
  • Feature locations
  • Directory listings



  • 15,000 Locations
  • 8,000 Map Views
  • Extra map views billed at $5/1000 views
  • Unlimited Categories
  • GPS Location Sensor
  • CSV import and export
  • Full control over search form and results layout
  • Map color scheme and element styling
  • Feature locations
  • Directory listings
  • Scheduled CSV Imports
  • Advanced Reporting
  • Territories
  • Cluster Map Markers

Selected PlanEmailPasswordGoodFirst NameLast NameGET PROFESSIONAL FOR $35

Add Some Locations

Log in to your MySLP account and add some locations or use the import feature (for Power or higher level accounts) to add dozens of locations at one time.

Generate Your Embed Code

After you have loaded your locations, click Generate Embed on the top right of the page.

Click “Copy To Clipboard” button once the Generate Embed page is up.

Create Your Wix Site

Go through the process of getting your Wix site started.   They have free accounts and advanced premium accounts available.

Add A Location Page

Go to the top menu bar when you are in edit mode on your Wix site.       Select the “Add Page” menu option and give it a simple name like “Locations”.

Add An Embed Block

After the page is added go the left sidebar in Wix and click on the Plus symbol to add a content block.

Look for the More entry on the bottom of the list and click it.

Choose the HTML Code option on the top of the slide-out panel that appears.

Drag the box and drop it on your page.

Add The MySLP Code

Click on the “Edit Code” button that appears above the HTML Code box.

Select “Code” from the Wix radio buttons listed.

Paste the entire contents of the MySLP Embed Code box you copied earlier from your MySLP login.

Click the Wix “Update” button.

Within a few seconds you should see the MySLP map and locations interface appear in the box.

Resize the box by grabbing the “handles” and dragging it to the edges of your Wix content area.   Make it tall enough to show the search form, map, and results below the map.


On the top right of the page click Publish.


When you publish the site you will have a new locations page with your MySLP map.  It will be a URL like our  https://icecream393.wixsite.com/best-sc-ice-cream example.

General Settings

(This section has been updated to reflect updates in SLP version 5.5.)

There are settings under the General tab for Admin , User Interface, (Server and Data tabs in  earlier versions,  now are  included under the APP tab).  This documentation has been updated to reflect the Google API changes for our WPSLP self managed plug-in customers.   The tab “App” Map is where you will enter your own Google API keys. MySLP customers do not need to worry about that. We do it for them.


The Admin tab is where your SLP Premier subscription Accounts ID ,  Log Schedule Messages, and other info is located.  There is also a Reset Manage Locations button available for use to reset the back end Manage Locations  display page to the default view (10 locations per  page view). This feature was previously only available with the free SLP  Janitor Add-on.

Search by Name

Additional Search settings are available if you are using either:

Word Press Store locator Plus plugin with the Experience Add-on , or  the Store Locator Plus SaaS / Professional level plan.  have multiple search tool options to display on the front page when a site visitor lands on your locator page. Search by Name is a checkbox that is found under the Store Locator Plus “Settings/Search” menu.   

The default is “Name” 


WPSLP Premier General Admin

WPSLP Premier customers will need to add their User ID and subscription ID under the Store Locator Plus / General /Admin tab. To find your Premier account information, log into WordPress Store Locator plus account .

Scroll to Premier Subscription Info
Thank you for being a Premier Member. You will need to enter your User ID and Subscription ID via the Store Locator Plus General Settings Tab under the Admin section in order to get the latest updates to the Premier Plugin.

Your user ID is: (A number will be here)

Subscription id is : (numbers will be here)

Appearance Layouts

Experience Add-On or Professional level MySLP SaaS

The Experience Add-on  for WordPress SLP plug-in , or the Professional level or higher plan for MySLP Software-as-a-Service application allows you to customize the layouts, the map interface, and the search form to display in a certain manner on the front end of your locator page

Search Layout

Search Layout is found under the Settings tab on the Search panel.

This setting allows the search form layout to be modified via a text setting.   If the Search Layout field is left blank the default search form layout and  your SLP style is used.   If Search Layout is modified the layout will take precedence over most of the Search Form settings  and the basic Store Locator Plus.

Geocoding stopped working suddenly

(This page has been updated to reflect the changes in Google Cloud Platform API changes)

Most likely reasons;

  • You moved your site or changed the domain name and did not change your Google Map API key or , as of JUNE 2018 Google API changes, did NOT ADD BILLING TO YOUR API KEY . See Getting Started
  • Check your Google Platform Usage reports
  • A self-imposed usage cap has been exceeded.
  • The provided method of payment is no longer valid (for example, a credit card has expired).
  • You have exceeded the QPS limits for a given API.
  • If you have the Power add-on and are using the import function , your csv file is incorrect, or your header rows are not accurate,  or they have wrong field names, the columns may be misaligned and the data field for an address could not import and/or does not geocode. Check your import message log.
  • Google does not recognize an address. See FAQ post

How to validate Premier with Multi-site Installations

Enroll in a Premier Subscription

Premier Subscription Licenses must be validated on the primary site of a multi-site install. This is typically the FIRST site in your site list, but can be changed via wp-config. If you are using multi site you should know which site is the primary Blog ID. Adding your Premier id and your license on your sub sites will not validate the WPSLP Premier license. (This information only applies to WordPress SLP and not MYSLP.

Communication with the SLP license server is required for any licenses to be validated. You can check if standard web requests are working between your WordPress install and SLP. This can be tested from within your PHP environment with a simple PHP script that uses a ‘curl’ or ‘file get contents ‘operation.

You can also click on the Store Locator Plus / info tab in the back end of the plug-in. If you are seeing “Latest News” with fairly current dates then the problem is most likely not a blocked communications via a firewall. In those cases the issue is most likely an incorrectly typed subscription ID or you have entered the info on the wrong site of a multi-site install.

Map Controls

More map controls

Our MYSLP Enterprise level users or WPSLP Premier subscribers will find several additional map controls to enable or disable built-in Google Map elements.  A simple checkbox  allows users to turn the Full Screen and zoom controls on or off in addition to the previously-available  Hide “Stick Man” , scale, and type controls.

This option is also available to WordPress plugin users with an active Premier subscription.