Troubleshooting Large scale Exports/Imports

Issue: Exports/Imports Incomplete Multiple large-scale exports (export function is available with Power Add-on ) have been tested on the Store Locator Plus dev sites. On a relatively small server, a virtual machine with 2GB RAM running CentOS 6, we  have…

Categories taxonomy and settings

If you have the Power add on for WordPress or the Power / Professional / Enterprise level for MySLP you will see a header tab in your Store Locator Plus menu labeled Categories.  This is where you can establish and…

Geocoding Errors

Google will return various error codes depending on the data format or request timing. The following table of errors and their meanings will help you determine what is going on when Google tries to lookup up your location coordinates. The…

[slp_directory] Shortcode for WordPress

MySLP SaaS Directories Beta testing is currently underway for the MySLP SaaS version of the location directories. Since many deployment platforms do not utilize shortcodes, we have developed an alternate method for rendering the directory lists. You can read about…

Map Not Showing

You activated the Store Locator Plus base plug-in and followed all the instructions but when you visit your locator page no map is there. Here are some common reasons why the map will not appear: Did you obtain a Google…

slp_directory List Of States

You can easily create lists of the cities, states, or countries where you have locations by using the slp_directory shortcode provided by the Power add-on.  Premier Subscription members can install the Premier Plugin to further extend the functionality of the…

Contact Fields when enabled

Extended contact information fields are available with the Power add on for WordPress or the Power / Professional / Enterprise levels of MySLP. Enable Contact under the General/App tab.