Some of the most common features requested are included with either the Plug-in for WordPress using add-ons OR a higher level plan if you use the all inclusive (but separate from the plug-in) Store Locator Plus Software as a Service (SaaS)
- Import Locations ( SLP PLUGIN needs add-on Power or the SLP Software as a service needs the Professional level MySLP )
- Export Locations ( Power add-on or if using the SaaS Professional level MySLP )
- Map Markers Based On Category ( Power add-on or if using the SLP SaaS Professional level or higher MySLP
- Cluster Map Markers ( Premier SUBSCRIPTION PLUG-IN or the SaaS Enterprise level )
- Change The Layout ( Experience add-on or the Professional level SaaS plan)
- Change The Look Of The Map ( Experience add-on or the Professional level SaaS plan)
- Add Location Search To Other Pages ( Experience /add-on or the Professional )
- Categorize Locations ( Power add-on or the Professional level or higher MySLP )
- Associate Products With Locations ( Power add-on or the Professional level or higher MySLP )
- List By City or State ( Experience SLP plug-in add-on or the Professional level or higher SaaS)
- Creating SEO Pages From Locations ( Power add-on for the WordPress SLP plug-in. Not available for SLP SaaS)
- Add directory listing from Locations (Power/Professional level or higher MySLP)
- Bulk filters such as geocode all uncode (Power/Professional level or higher MySLP)
- Add url controls (Premier subscription WPSLP or Enterprise level MySLP)
MySLP to WPSLP Comparison
Advanced is comparable to the basic Store Locator Plus plugin.
Professional is the Power level (excluding SEO Pages) plus the Experience add on.
Enterprise is the Professional level plan plus the Premier subscription features, functionality and support services.
Read below for answers to these questions and check out our other “What To Buy” articles.
Import /export a large amount, thousands, of locations.
The Power Add On to the SLP plug-in can import /export hundreds-of-thousands of locations. The only limitation is your server memory and how many geocoding requests your hosting provider can manage to allocate from Google. You will need to obtain your own Google API key if you are using the stand alone WPSLP plug-in as opposed to the SLP SaaS Professional level or higher MySLP subscription service
See the News announcements and docs about changes to the Google API terms of service since 2018.
Custom map marker for my locations.
If you want the map markers to be different for every location then you will need either the add-on for the plug-in Experience/Professional level. (Professional level refers to the SLP SaaS platform which is a subscription based service updated by the SLP service team. One is a Do it yourself plug0in the other is a service that we provide.
If you want the markers (or an icon array) to look a certain way based on the type, or category, of the location or store then you will need Professional level MYSLP at a minimum
Customize how the map looks.
User interface design and interaction, known as the user experience, buy the Experience add-on to the stand alone WPSLP plug-in or the SLP SaaS Professional level plan You can change how the search form on your page looks, change the way the list of locations looks and change the information bubble that shows the location data on the map. You can also change the overall layout of the map interface, putting the search box on results to the left of the map and do it all with one-click via the Plugin Style setting.
Creating Cluster Map Markers.
If you want cluster markers based on multiple locations in a region then you will need Cluster Map which is only available to let the Premier Subscribers or for the SLP SaaS subscribers s
Add a location search to other pages.
You are most likely looking for the widgets that are in the Experience Add On. There is a widget that puts an address/zip/postal-code search box on your sidebar that sends users to your locations map. Another widget gives your users a drop down list of states to choose from or you can choose to have a state-and-cities pair of drop down lists for your users.
Make the phone numbers clickable
With the Experience Add-on Under the Results/Appearance panel Check box to usethe Dial Link For Phone. This wraps the phone number in the results in a tel: href tag. SLP SaaS Professional Level Plan
Categorize my locations.
The Power add-on for the DIY WPSLP plug-in or the Professional Level for SLP SaaS allows for simple categories or complex parent/child relationships between categories. Locations can be assigned to one or more categories. Your users can then search for locations based on those categories. You can use this to help people locate service centers versus retail outlets or places that sell home widgets instead of business widgets.
Visitors need to find locations based on products or services offered.
Use the Power Add On or SLP SaaS Professional level subscription to assign products or services to your locations via the categorization feature. You can opt to show users a drop down menu where the users can select which locations offer that product or service.
Can I set different map markers based on the services provided or location type?
Use the Power Add On categorization feature or the SLP SaaS Professional level plan. It allow different map markers based on which category the location is assigned to. Remember, a category can be a product or service offered. The categories also have an icon graphic that can be assigned for use in a legend that appears near the map as well in each location entry when the results appear.
How do I create SEO friendly pages for my locations?
Only available with the WPSLP stand alone, do it yourself plug-in with the Power Add On . Enables you to create the pages seen by the search engines as static content-filled pages on your site. The pages themselves are built on-demand based on your location data. A page template system allows you to change the default template used to generate pages and the custom page type works like any other WordPress page once it has been created.
Show a list by city where all my stores, locations, members, or providers are without a map.
TheWPSLP plug-in Power Add On or theSLP SaaS Professional level provides various tools for building “directory listings” and “directory landing pages” based on Store Locator Plus locations. The listings are dynamic, built in real time from the current location data.
Show Featured locations first before other locations.
The Experience add-on or Professional level MySLP allows you to rank or feature locations and sort the results order to show certain locations first in the list.
SLP for Word Press Plug-in has Add Ons That Support additional Features