General Settings

(This section has been updated to reflect updates in SLP version 5.5.) There are settings under the General tab for Admin , User Interface, (Server and Data tabs in  earlier versions,  now are  included under the APP tab).  This documentation…

WPSLP Premier General Admin

WPSLP Premier customers will need to add their User ID and subscription ID under the Store Locator Plus / General /Admin tab. To find your Premier account information, log into WordPress Store Locator plus account . Scroll to Premier Subscription…

Wix Directory Styling for MySLP

The directory listing option for MySLP makes it easy to provide a list of states in which your locations reside. The directory listing can be easily added to any Wix site by using the directory style presentation when embedding the…

WordPress Custom CSS Rules

You can add custom CSS rules to WordPress to style your directories and location maps without having to wait for a custom Store Locator Plus® style or a theme that supports full CSS rules. WordPress has a built-in CSS customization…

Location Directory With MySLP

Our software-as-a-service platform, MySLP, runs on many different web builders and mobile frameworks. If you are using MySLP you cannot easily create pages that contain the [slp_directory] shortcode used in the Store Locator Plus WordPress plugins. There is another way…

Appearance Layouts

Experience Add-On or Professional level MySLP SaaS The Experience Add-on  for WordPress SLP plug-in , or the Professional level or higher plan for MySLP Software-as-a-Service application allows you to customize the layouts, the map interface, and the search form to…

Custom CSS

MYSLP subscriber  with the Professional level or Enterprise level plan  , allows you to customize the style sheets ( CSS ) for Store Locator Plus  map, results, and search layouts.   There are additional styles also available with  the higher level…

CSV Import Duplicates Handling

The WPSLP Power Add On  or MySLP/Professional plan   allows you to import CSV files with several options.    View the information under SLP/Locations/Import .  You have various  options to consider when determining how to update  locations  that match your pre-existing locations.…